Time is Priceless
Time is a gift we all have, and it doesn't cost a thing, yet it's more valuable than anything else. The best present we can give to someone, and to ourselves, is our time. When we make an effort to dedicate our time to things we value, it brings us joy. However, if we allow the external world to dictate how we spend our time, it can lead to feelings of unhappiness. Each day, I make a conscious effort to divide my time into three simple categories and purposefully choose how I spend it: Time for myself (workout, medidate, go for walk...) Time for Family and Connections (do something nice for you partner and family, send a hello to an old friend..) Time for my work (invest into becoming a rockstar in what you do, invest into future skills) When we organize our time and, at the day's end, reflect on our accomplishments in line with our intentions, it's difficult not to experience a sense of contentment and happiness.